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From 10th to 14th January, Artcurial is pleased to preview in its Brussels office a selection of major pieces from the sale of The World of Hergé, Tintin’s creator, which will take place in Paris on 10th February.
Among them, a historical masterpiece by Hergé is to be discovered. This original drawing was made in 1942 for the cover of the album Tintin en Amérique, estimated at €2,200,000 – 3,200,000.
In 1942, Hergé and Casterman, his publisher, decided to switch to colour for the Tintin albums. Marketed in October 1942, this edition of Tintin en Amérique is the last one printed in black and white.
From 24th to 27th January, Artcurial Belgium also invites you to preview a selection of works from the eponymous Hislaire to Yslaire sale, which will be held in Paris on 10th February.
A major creator of 9th art, the artist whose name has never stopped changing – one day Hislaire, the next day Yslaire, Sylaire or even iSlaire – is at once a storyteller of the unconscious, a graphic psychiatrist, a tracker of emotions and an explorer of feelings.
Exhibition in Brussels
The World of Hergé, Tintin’s creator
From Tuesday 10th to Saturday 14th January 2023
From Hislaire to Yslaire
From Tuesday 24th to Friday 27th January 2023
Artcurial Belgium
5 avenue Franklin Roosevelt
1050 Brussels