Art Deco

Art Deco

In 2005, Artcurial created a department entirely dedicated to Art Deco.

Since then, the auction house has organised several sales per year dedicated to French decorative arts from the first half of the 20th century, offering furniture, art objects, lighting, carpets, architectural elements and sculptures by major artists from the period, alternating between prestige and intermediate auctions.

In this way, Artcurial contributed to the rediscovery and successful sale of major works such as a Bilboquet lamp by Alberto Giacometti which fetched €294,000 and a sculpture by Jean Chauvin which sold for a record price of €195,000. Collections were not left out, as demonstrated by the auction of the Félix Marcilhac collection, in collaboration with Sotheby’s, which totalled nearly €25m in 2014.

The expertise of the team led by Sabrina Dolla has also made its mark on the market with single-artist sales dedicated to major artists such as Alberto and Diego Giacometti, Jacques Quinet and Louis Sognot, as well as thematic sales devoted to the modernism of the 1920s around works by René Herbst, Robert Mallet-Stevens, Jacques Le Chevallier and Pierre Chareau.

In addition, the department maintains close relationships with major French and international museums. From the Centre Pompidou to the Museum of Modern Art in New York, institutions regularly pre-empt lots during sales, underlining the museum quality of the works auctioned.

Artcurial’s specialists are at your disposal for free and confidential valuations of your Art Deco objects and works of art.

The department has developed an excellent working relationship with important French and international museums, earning their trust and confidence. From the Centre Pompidou to the Museum of Modern Art in New York, these institutions are regular participants in our sales, offering further proof of the museum quality of the works offered.

The Department currently organises four annual sales, alternating prestigious sessions and intermediate sales, allowing all types of collectors to ease into Art Deco collecting.

The Department currently organises four annual sales, alternating prestigious sessions and intermediate sales, allowing all types of collectors to ease into Art Deco collecting.


Robert William Burke’s unpublished collection for sale at Artcurial

Robert William Burke’s unpublished collection for sale at Artcurial

On 25th October, Artcurial was auctioning the unpublished collection of Robert William Burke (1948-2020), an American collector and gallery owner who was closely associated with Andy Warhol, Robert Rauschenberg, Cy Twombly and Gilbert & George. His friendships and his taste for art gave rise to a collection of close to 300 works spanning several centuries of art history.

Jean Prouvé & Jean Royère: Two Exceptional Sets at Auction

Jean Prouvé & Jean Royère: Two Exceptional Sets at Auction

On May 23rd, the Art Deco Design department was showing two sets coming from prestigious commissions: Jean Prouvé for Pierre Bindschedler and Jean Royère for an original private collection.
