Sale Paavo Tynell - 12 september 2023 /Lot 3 Paavo TYNELL 1890-1973 Lampadaire mod. 9619 - circa 1950

  • Paavo TYNELL 1890-1973 Lampadaire mod. 9619 - circa 1950
Paavo TYNELL 1890-1973
Lampadaire mod. 9619 - circa 1950
Base en fonte recouverte de laiton, fût en laiton partiellement gainé de cuir cognac, diffuseur en laiton ajouré
Édition Taito Oy
Estampille de l'éditeur
178 × 53 × 20 cm

Bibliographie :
R. Holme & K. M. Frost, The Studio Yearbook of Furnishing and Decoration 1953-1954, Vol.43, Studio Publications, 1954. Exemplaire similaire reproduit p.67
A. Koch, Modern Lighting of the 50s, Arnoldsche Art Publishers, Stuttgart, 2012. Exemplaire similaire reproduit p.46

A brass and leather mod. 9619 floor lamp by Paavo Tynell for Taito Oy – circa 1950
70.07 × 20.86 × 7.87 in.

Estimation 20 000 - 30 000 €

Sold 35,424 €
* Results are displayed including buyer’s fees and taxes. They are generated automatically and can be modified.

Lot 3

Paavo TYNELL 1890-1973
Lampadaire mod. 9619 - circa 1950

Sold 35,424 € [$]

Paavo TYNELL 1890-1973
Lampadaire mod. 9619 - circa 1950
Base en fonte recouverte de laiton, fût en laiton partiellement gainé de cuir cognac, diffuseur en laiton ajouré
Édition Taito Oy
Estampille de l'éditeur
178 × 53 × 20 cm

Bibliographie :
R. Holme & K. M. Frost, The Studio Yearbook of Furnishing and Decoration 1953-1954, Vol.43, Studio Publications, 1954. Exemplaire similaire reproduit p.67
A. Koch, Modern Lighting of the 50s, Arnoldsche Art Publishers, Stuttgart, 2012. Exemplaire similaire reproduit p.46

A brass and leather mod. 9619 floor lamp by Paavo Tynell for Taito Oy – circa 1950
70.07 × 20.86 × 7.87 in.

Estimation 20 000 - 30 000 €

Sold 35,424 €
* Results are displayed including buyer’s fees and taxes. They are generated automatically and can be modified.

Sale’s details

Sale: 4357
Date: 12 sep. 2023 20:00
Auctioneer: Stéphane Aubert


Eliette Robinot
Phone +33 1 42 99 16 24

Absentee Bids
& Telephone Bids

Kristina Vrzests
Phone +33 1 42 99 20 51

Conditions of Purchase

Paavo Tynell