Sale Generation 21 by Artcurial - 26 october 2022 /Lot 58 Barthélémy TOGUO (Camerounais - Né en 1967) The Last Soldier, 2008

  • Barthélémy TOGUO (Camerounais - Né en 1967) The Last Soldier, 2008 Aquarelle sur papier
  • Barthélémy TOGUO (Camerounais - Né en 1967) The Last Soldier, 2008 Aquarelle sur papier
  • Barthélémy TOGUO (Camerounais - Né en 1967) The Last Soldier, 2008 Aquarelle sur papier
Barthélémy TOGUO (Camerounais - Né en 1967)
The Last Soldier, 2008
Aquarelle sur papier
Signé et daté en bas à droite "B.Toguo/2008"
Titré en bas à gauche "The Last Soldier"
Un certificat d'authenticité signé de l'artiste est collé au dos de l'oeuvre

Watercolor on paper ; signed and dated lower right "B.Toguo/2008", titled lower left "The Last Soldier"
A certificate of authenticity signed by the artist is glued on the back of the work
h: 27,50 w: 38 cm
Estimation 3 000 - 5 000 €

Sold 3,936 €
* Results are displayed including buyer’s fees and taxes. They are generated automatically and can be modified.

Lot 58

Barthélémy TOGUO (Camerounais - Né en 1967)
The Last Soldier, 2008

Sold 3,936 € [$]

Barthélémy TOGUO (Camerounais - Né en 1967)
The Last Soldier, 2008
Aquarelle sur papier
Signé et daté en bas à droite "B.Toguo/2008"
Titré en bas à gauche "The Last Soldier"
Un certificat d'authenticité signé de l'artiste est collé au dos de l'oeuvre

Watercolor on paper ; signed and dated lower right "B.Toguo/2008", titled lower left "The Last Soldier"
A certificate of authenticity signed by the artist is glued on the back of the work
h: 27,50 w: 38 cm
Estimation 3 000 - 5 000 €

Sold 3,936 €
* Results are displayed including buyer’s fees and taxes. They are generated automatically and can be modified.

Sale’s details

Sale: 4266
Date: 26 oct. 2022 19:00
Auctioneer: Arnaud Oliveux


Karine Castagna
Phone +33 1 42 99 20 28

Conditions of Purchase

Generation 21 by Artcurial